Tabel Kata Kerja Membantu Menyusun Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Dengan Baik Dan Benar


Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris juga tidak bisa lepas dari unsur-unsur pendidikan karakter yang sedang giat di kembangkan akhir-akhir ini. Misalnya : Bagaimana mengungkapkan kalimat dengan benar dan sopan, bagaimana menulis kalimat yang baik dan benar, bagaimana berbicara dengan seseorang yang lebih tua atau sebaya dengan sopan, bagaimana mengungkapkan kalimat sesuai dengan tata bahasa Inggris yang benar dan masih banyak lagi unsur karakter yang ada pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. 

      Dari hasil pengamatan penulis bahwa kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa-siswa di SMK secara keseluruhan masih sangat kurang, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil nilai ulangan harian dan ujian semester yang rata-rata kelas masih rendah bahkan banyak siswa yang nilainya belum memenuhi KKM.  Guru mencoba membuat media tabel kata kerja dan formula gabungan beberapa tenses untuk memandu siswa membuat kalimat dengan baik dan benar dengan menerapkan pendekatan pembelajaran kooperative  dan model work in pairs atau kerja berpasangan dan kelompok.


      Penggunaan table Kata kerja dengan contoh penyusunan kalimat  diharapkan dapat membantu siswa membuat kalimat dengaan baik dan benar.  Sedangkan rmanfaat bagi penulis untuk mengembangkan kreativitas, merancang dan mengelola pembelajaran dengan bermacam metode, model, dan pendekatan sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran lebih menarik, variatif dan berkualitas. Bagi peserta didik penelitian ini diharapkan dapat lebih meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, memotivasi belajar bahasa Inggris, dan mengikuti semua kegiatan belajar dengan menyenangkan dan diharapkan prestasi belajar lebih meningkat.

      Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan (action research), karena penelitian dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini juga termasuk penelitian deskriptif, sebab menggambarkan bagaimana suatu pendekatan pembelajaran diterapkan dan bagaimana hasil yang diinginkan dapat dicapai.

Menurut Oja dan Sumarjan (dalam Titik Sugiarti, 1997: 8) mengelompokkan penelitian tindakan menjadi empat macam yaitu, (a) guru sebagai peneliti, (b) penelitian tindakan kolaboratif; (c) simultan terintegratif; (d) administrasi sosial eksperimental.

Dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan bentuk guru sebagai peneliti, penanggung jawab penuh penelitian ini adalah guru. Tujuan utama dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran di kelas dimana guru secara penuh terlibat dalam penelitian mulai dari perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti tidak bekerjasama dengan siapapun, kehadiran peneliti sebagai guru di kelas sebagai pengajar tetap dan dilakukan seperti biasa, sehingga siswa tidak tahu kalau diteliti. Dengan cara ini diharapkan didapatkan data yang se objektif mungkin demi validitas data yang diperlukan.


Sekolah                    : SMK………………….

Kelas                        : ………………………………

Hari/ tanggal           :  ………………………………

Anggota kelompok :  1. ……………………………..

                                    2. ……………………………..

                                    3. ……………………………..

                                    4. ……………………………..

                                    5. …………………………….

 Materi Kegiatan : Bentuk kalimat past tense

Choose the correct answer!

21.  I (goed /went  / gone /  ) to the mall after school.
22.  My brother( seen / saw/  sees)a bear an hour ago.
23.  (Did /Are /Does ) Mike visit his grandmother last night?
24.  Alex did not  ( work/ worked /working ) last weekend.
25.  (Was / Were / Are )Judy and Liz at meeting last month?
26.  We (were / was/  did )not happy after the sad ending.
27.  (Are/ Did / Do ) you see Jody’s new dog yesterday?
28.  Sorry, I (wasn’t / didn’t?  am not )hear you at the door.
29.  I ( studying/ study /   studied) English for two years.
30. What (do/ did/  were)you eat for lunch yesterday?

Translate into good English

  1. Kami disini tadi malam
  2. Ayahmu adalah guruku, ketika di SMK
  3. Mereka (dulu) muridku di TK
  4. Apakah kamu senang disini, minggu lalu?
  5. Pak Andi tidak di kantor, kemarin.
  6. Kami berkunjung ke Industri Kereta Api , kemarin
  7. Mereka bekerja di bengkel ketika kami datang, tadi malam
  8. Pak Andi memperbaiki  mobil, tadi pagi
  9. Semua siswa  menanam  seribu pohon untuk reboisasi (reforestation)
  10. Mereka menemui kami dengan bersahabat, kemarin

Latihan Soal AKM

AKM Question Number. 1

AKM Question Number. 2

AKM Question Number. 3

AKM Question Number. 4

Source :

What is your Opinion about the news above?



Mata Pelajaran                    :    Bahasa  Inggris

Kelas / Semester                :    X / 1

Materi Pokok                      :    Deskriptive Teks

Alokasi Waktu                    :    3 jam pelajaran x 3

A.    Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa mampu menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang, benda dan tempat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks Kegiatan Pembelajaran

B. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian Sikap           : Observasi dan hasilnya dicatat dalam Jurnal Sikap

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes Tulis dan Penugasan

3. Penilaian Keterampilan : Tes Lisan

Madiun,   Juli 2021

Kepala Sekolah,                                                               Guru

Drs. SAMIADI                                                            WIDODO, S.Pd

NIP. 19630508 198803 1 016    

Lampiran :


Describing places requires 3 steps or what we usually call generic structure, namely:

  1. Introduction
    This section is the opening of a text, which provides brief information about the name and location of the location we will tell you. In the introducton section should also mention the reason why the author chose the place to tell, for example such as; what makes the place famous, what makes the place special, and so on.
  2. Main Body (Inti)
    Main body is part of the core of the story that tells about the place / building told. The essence of the story usually starts from telling from the general section, then just tells a special part so that it will be a complicated story. For example, when we tell about a place, we can start from the whole characteristic of the place such as how the scenery, the building, the weather, etc., then refer to the specific details that complete the previous general explanation.
  3. Conclusion
    This conclusion is the conclusion of the author after visiting the place. Which describes your feelings, or opinions from the place, you can also provide recommendations for readers who will visit the place.

Vocabulary that can be used in Describing Places:

Ancient = Ancient/rare Beautiful = Indah Boring = Membosankan Crowded = Crowded Charming = Beautiful Exciting = Fun Expensive = Mahal Famous = Terkenal Fantastic = Fantastis Fascinating = Interesting Huge = Large/wide Historic = Bersejarah Lively = Live Popular = Famous Polluted = Tercemar  Touristic = Tourism Peaceful = Peace Stunning = Amazing Noisy = Berisik Rural = Pedesaan Mountainous = Pegunungan Perfect = Sempurna Fertile = Subur Dry = Kering Alive = Life Amazing = Amazing Calm =  Tenang Creepy = Menyeramkan Deserted = Desert Area Different = Berbeda  Fresh = Segar Hot = Panas Incredible = Incredible Interesting = Menarik Magnificent = Amazing Modern = Modern Mysterious = Misterius Natural = Alami Pleasant = Fun Unique = Unik Unusual = Unusual Warm = Hangat Wild = Liar Traditional = Tradisional Tropical = Tropis Romantic = Romantis

Example : Describing Places


It is called Ngebel Lake because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 metre height on the sea and the temperature 22 to 32 celsius.

With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, Ngebel lake surrounded by the road along 5 km. This lake has an amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up. We also could met various fruits like: durian, mangosteens, pundung, etc. In the lake also spread various fishes, one them is the variety fishes that has protected. It is Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish. For that purposes, it also available accommodation facilities that already for the visitor who want to spend the night. The facilities is managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.
According to the developing legend in the community, Ngebel lake was formed based on the story of a dragon snake, named “Baru Klinting”.

When the snake take a meditating and unintentionally he was cut-piece by the community around to be eaten. Mysteriously the snake changed into a child who afterwards visited the community and made a contest to repeal the rib that was transfixed by him into the land. Not even one succeeded in carrying it out.

Afterwards he repealed this rib, and from this rib hole went out water that afterwards became the big pool that welled up and became Ngebel lake. It seems Ngebel lake had important role in the history of Ponorogo Regency, because one of the founders of Ponorogo regency, Batoro Katong, before doing the greatness Islam religion in Ponogoro regency had clear himself in a pool near to Ngebel lake. At this time, it is known as pool / Kucur Batoro.  Source :


  1. Jenis/teknik Penilaian  : Pengetahuan : Tes Tulis
  2. Ketrampilan  :  Tes Lisan
  • Bentuk instrumen  Tes  Pengetahuan     :
  1. Pilihan Ganda
  2. Menjawab pertanyaan Uraian

          Pedoman skor             : Pengetahuan : point

Ketrampilan : Rubrik.

Pedoman Penilaian  Pengetahuan

Nilai : Jumlah betul x 2

Pedoman penilaian membuat teks



Based on the descriptive text, Choose the correct answer a,b,c or d

Mount Bromo

Indonesia sits on the ring of fire, an area with some of the most active volcanoes in the world. Many of the country`s volcanoes, such as mount Merapi, are famous for their violent eruptions and their stunning, but  dangerous beauty. Mount Bromo is among the best known, thanks largely to its incredible views, particularly when seen standing over the caldera at sunrise. Bromo`s peak was blown off in an eruption, and you can still see white smoke spewing from the mountain. The volcano is part of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which also includes Mount Semeru , the highest peak in Java. The park is home to the Tengger people, isolated ethnic groups who trace their ancestry back to the ancient Majapahit Empire


Listen carefully and  Fill in the blanks correctly


My name …1… Alina. I love a pet so much, especially a dog. Spark …2… my favorite one. It comes from Doberman family. Spark is a male dog. He is energetic and active. Spark is 10 months and it was so cute when I saw him for the first time. Time grows so fast and it turns puppy to be muscle dog. Spark is black and a bit brown. He is an obedient dog. It is friendly to me but I …3… not sure for a stranger because it becomes wilder and more dangerous. In my suggestion, do not call his name if you do not know well because it will make you hurt badly. I …4… to take a walk with Spark. We …5… time together as a couple. We go hiking and enjoy the view. Sometimes we go to the beach in my free time. He is awesome when he plays outside. Spark is a very sweet dog.


Arrange the descriptive paragraph about your school/your teacher/your village or town







